Yellow Truck continues

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It all started with a broken transmission.

The tranny in my daughte's 88 Cherokee bit the dust.  I bought a 89 with a transmission and not much else. I used the front frame clip and built a tube frame to hold the rear axle.  It eventually got a Dodge 360, a 727 tranny from a ramcharger and the 242 transfer from the Cherokee.  The CJ looking body never developed but I just kept going.  Eventually I had built the grill, firewall, cowling and floor.  Then I started on a body.

I thought it would look like this

This was my first concept drawing

It had a cab

I made doors to the floor and a pickup cab.

Here's a look at the floor

I had fun making a cover and shifters

It ended up as a pickup

The wood bed was exotic Ipe wood from South America, left over from my bosses office.

What's with the hood?

I was running out of time so I hinged it to the side instead of modifying it to tilt back.

This is all that is left

I will drop this at Rory's place when we get to Moab.  Should be May 8, 2023

The rest of the story

I couldn't get it to idle.  I was using a MegaSquirt computer.  When I parted iet out I found the wires to the throttle position sensor reversed.  But, the real reason I gave up was because I got sideways with the state and couldn't get it registered.  They gave me a tag and I drove it a year but someone at the state made me give up.


If someone wants to play with it, it's yours as soon as I get it up there.  I thought it would look good on the front of a Cherokee - a fake Willys wagon.


I told Merlin that I have the radiator that fits inside the grille.  It will come too,